God's plan for me
High Impact Ministries
Rick McDaniel is the founding pastor of the dynamic, growing Glen Allen Community Church in Richmond, VA. He holds three earned degrees, a B.A. from Southeastern College, an M.A. from Boston College and a Th.M. from Duke University.
Rick is president of High Impact Ministries, a ministry he founded in 1989 to help facilitate his international preaching ministry. The ministry produces tape series and printed material to bring biblically relevant principles to the challenges of contemporary living.
He has written a book, Ministry Making, which is published in English and Spanish, and has another manuscript awaiting publication.
He has a regular column in Ministry Now Magazine and has contributed to the Library of Distinctive Sermons and the Library of Christian Worship, and has published several articles in leading publications such as Ministries Today and Preaching.
To order CD's, please visit:
http://shop.gacc-impact.com or check out the new website http://highimpactliving.net