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God's plan for me

Alpha Ministry

What is the meaning of life? What happens when we die? Is Christianity boring, untrue and irrelevant? If you would like to explore questions like these, the Alpha course is for you!

This is an introduction to basic Christianity - designed for seekers and new Christians. It begins with an informational meeting for the first session. The class lasts about two hours and includes a complimentary meal, video message and small group time. Invite friends and co-workers to come on the course with you.

Your involvement helps make this outreach and discipleship course a great success! For more information or to register, get a brochure at the Information Table or call the church office.

Alpha is a 10 week introduction to basic Christianity and is designed for seekers and new Christians.

Please invite your friends and neighbors to come to the course with you. Your involvement will help make this outreach and discipleship course a great success! Pick up a brochure at the Information Table or call the church office for more information 364-5000 or email us with your name, address and phone number.

What happens each week at Alpha?

A complimentary, light dinner is shared with others on the course. The weekly Alpha talk is given. Reactions to the talk are shared and discussed in small groups.


There will be an introduction to the Alpha course on Sunday, March 30 at 6PM
in the auditorium. The Alpha course will begin on Tuesday, April 1 at 6:30PM.



Anyone interested in finding out more about the Christian faith.
L Learning and laughter as we have fun together learning about the Christian faith.
P People meeting together. It's a great opportunity to get to know others and to make new friends.
H Helping one another discuss life's challenging questions in the context of small groups.
A Asking anything that's on your mind. At Alpha, no question is seen as too simple or too hostile.
Richmond Community Church · 11801 Nuckols Road, Glen Allen VA 23059 · 804.364.5000