Getting started, first steps
Newcomer's Night
Newcomer's Night is for anyone who wants to know more about RCC. Pastor Rick shares the unique vision and strategy of RCC.
Upcoming meeting: Sunday, March 30 at 6PM. Sign up at the Information Center or call 364.5000, childcare will be provided.
Partnership Class
Partnership class is for those who are interested in membership at RCC. This class investigates what the church believes and the special blessings and responsibilities that accompany membership.
Discovering your spiritual gifts
The discovery class is for anyone who has ever wondered what talents God has blessed you with. It's a chance to learn about unique spiritual gifts and how to use those gifts in ministry.
Leadership class
Leadership class explores the principles of leadership while focusing specifically on the unique aspects of Christian leadership. It will develop the qualities necessary to be an effective church leader.
RCC periodically offers Sunday evening seminars and classes that touch on important issues in a casual, open atmosphere.
Check the events calendar for scheduling.
Additionally, there are frequent seminars on such diverse topics as money management, nutrition, time management, goal-setting, science and faith.
For more information on these classes or to register, please contact us at 364-5000 or email us at