What is it?
Podcasting is a method of publishing audio and video programs via the Internet that lets users subscribe to a feed of new sound files.
What can I do with it?
With Podcasting technology, you can now subscribe to Pastor Rick's messages and automatically have them downloaded to your computer, where you can then move them onto portable mp3 players such as the iPod.
Where do I start?
To begin, you must first have podcasting software installed on your computer. There are many free packages available on the internet. We recommend iTunes. You can download it at the webpage listed below. Just copy the address and paste it into your browser.
Step 2: After you have downloaded and installed the podcast software, you will need to add a feed. Click below on the iTunes logo to automatically subscribe to our podcast through iTunes.
Audio Podcast
Click icon below to subscribe

Step 3: Follow the instructions in your podcast software to set the update frequency to "weekly" to get new messages every week.