Connecting with people
We believe a variety of small groups is necessary to meet the needs of individuals as well as the diverse needs of the church as a whole.
People can grow to be more like Christ, care for each other and make positive contributions in a nurture group, a ministry group or a Bible study. Consequently, we offer a variety of small groups in which you may participate.
Men's & New Women's Bible Studies
Brief studies usually six weeks, though sometimes longer, covering important gender-related issues are offered periodically.
Ministry Groups at GACC
We take seriously the Bible's message that every believer is a minister and has been entrusted with abilities and talents to serve others. There are a significant number of vital ministry groups at GACC where you can develop and use those abilities:
Praise Team |
Hospitality Team |
Church Setup Team |
Sound Team |
Alpha Course Team |
Helping Hands Ministry |
Pastor's Prayer Team |
Pastor's Prayer Partners |
Promiseland Teachers |
Usher/Greeters |
Heartline Ministry
Multimedia Team |
Drama Team |
VINE Groups
Vision, Intimacy, Nurture, Expansion (VINE) Groups are small groups that meet for nurture, accountability and relationship building. These meetings are led by trained leaders and meet weekly at the following locations listed below. Please or call us if you are interested in attending a VINE group.
Walt and Gail Craft
540.872.7046 |
Glen Allen:
Jerry and Karen Titus
Wednesday nights at 7:00PM
Glen Allen
Lonnie Juers
2nd, 3rd and 4th weeks on Wednesday nights at 7:00PM
Marty and Heidi Dewey
Second and Fourth Wednesday at 7:00PM
Coming Soon - AA and Alanon Support Group
Call or us for locations.