The Types of Hair Loss to Look Out For

a man's scalp visible due to hair loss

According to a hair clinic in London, male pattern alopecia affects approximately 50% of men. The percentage rises to about 80% of men who experience some form of hair loss once they reach or pass 80 years old. The treatment and types vary, knowing that these allow you to take the necessary steps to prevent further loss or stop it altogether.

Androgenic Alopecia

This form is the most common one found in men; the likely cause of this type is genetic, some of its characteristics include loss, gradual thinning and weakening of hair, and a receding hairline. Over time the loss moves to the crown from the front of your head, forming an M shape. The ailment shortens and weakens strands, and makes it difficult or impossible for the shafts to grow new, healthy hair.

Telogen Effluvium

Hair goes through a natural cycle throughout a person’s life; the anagen phase is the time when follicles grow hair, while the telogen phase is when it reaches a resting period. Some strands go in and out of both phases, and others fall out. As a person ages, both phases of growth and rest slow down, while the falling out continues at its normal or accelerated rate.

Cicatricial Alopecia

This is a rare type of alopecia, unlike other forms of hair loss, genes or autoimmune disorder does not cause it. This is a result of skin disorders like burns, rashes and/or radiation poisoning. Also known as scarring alopecia, some of its characteristics include scarring in different parts of the body other than the scalp, flaky skin, burning sensations and inflammation. The loss is permanent, and treatment may take longer; however, patients can opt for wearing a wig or a hair transplant.

These are some of the hair loss ailments men can get, whether genetically or because of certain risk factors. When you see some of the symptoms happening to you, consult with an expert to determine which treatment to take.