2008 SCHOOL SUPPLY CAMPAIGN: School supplies will be collected for needy families and they will be distributed through Richmond Community Church. Supply donations may be dropped off near the Information Table in the lobby through Sunday, August 10. A list of what is needed can be picked up at the Information Table.
CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Christian Community will be on Sunday, September 7 at 6PM at the Glen Allen campus auditorium. If you would like to be baptized or dedicate your baby, please fill out a request form found on the Information Table and give it to Pastor Kevin.
VISION DAY: Every year after Labor Day we have our annual RCC Vision Day. This is always an exciting service because we get to hear about all the big plans for the rest of the year. Vision Day is Sunday, September 7 and Pastor Rick has much to share about new initiatives and other exiting plans.
GOD IS GREEN BAGS: If you have not yet picked up your RCC “God Is Green” reuseable shopping bag be sure to do so. They can be found in the lobby at the Information Table.
USED CELL PHONE COLLECTION: RCC is collecting used cell phones. Please donate your extra inactive cell phones that will be utilized for 911 purposes in the United States, redeployed nationwide and used in developing countries to improve quality of life through better communication. The collection box is located on the Information Table.
NEW CHURCH PHONE NUMBER & ADDRESS: We have a new phone number and mailing address for the Midlothian Campus 379.3307 and 1915 Huguenot Road, Suite 300 Richmond, VA 23235.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Are you looking for a way to serve and get involved? We have several needs that you could help us with. We need childrens’ workers, set up team members, multimedia team members, and music team members. You can pick up a brochure at the Information Table that will explain the details of each of these opportunities and others you may beinterested in. If you have any questions please contact Pastor Kevin at 379.3307.
Steps to Growth:
SMALL GROUPS: Are you looking for a way to get connected? Small groups are a great way to help, develop lasting friendships and encourage one another. We would urge you to consider hosting or facilitating a small group in your home. If you are interested in this opportunity please sign up at the Information Table.
SUMMER BIBLE STUDY: Join us each Thursday through August 21 for “Just Walk Across The Room” by Bill Hybels. In this summer Bible study we will learn how to effectively build relationships with people. We meet at 7PM at the Midlothian office. (directions available at the Information Table.)
3RD ANNUAL RCC MEN’S GOLF TOURNAMENT: The 3rd Annual RCC Men’s Golf Tournament will be held at Hunting Hawk Golf Course on Saturday, October 4 at 8AM. The cost is $70 per person and includes golf, practice balls and lunch after the tournament. Be sure to mark this date on your calendar. For more information contact Mike Depersis at 727.9392.
WOMEN’S EXPO: The Women’s Expo will introduce the Women’s Ministry and its fall offerings on Wednesday, September 10 at 7PM in classroom 6 at the Glen Allen campus as the kick off to Bloom 2008-2009. All women are encouraged to come see what God has in store for us this season. Light refreshments will be served. Bring a friend!
Helping Hands
H.I.M. MINISTRY: The purpose of High Impact Meals (H.I.M.) is to reach out and serve others by offering meals and help during times of illness, bereavement, birth and other unique situations. If you would be willing to help or if you need any help please call Gloria Titus at 501.2316 or contact the Church office.
LAMB’S BASKET: Food donations are at an all time low and the need is at an all time high. Lamb’s Basket is focusing our collection efforts on the following: cereal of all kinds, diapers size 2 and up and peanut butter and jelly. Please leave food in the lobby by the Information Table.
Youth/Student Impact:
STUDENT IMPACT: On Wednesday, August 20 the youth of Student Impact will go to Bogey's Sports Park for an evening of fun and games. Be sure to invite a friend to this fun event. We will leave the Glen Allen campus at 6:30PM.
FAMILY OUTFITTERS: Our next Family Outfitters event is on Saturday, August 16. Promiseland families and Student Impact families will attend a Braves baseball game. We will leave the church at 6PM and go watch the Braves win! Be sure to sign up at Information Table and contact Pastor Alan(364.5000) or Pastor Kevin (379.3307) if you have any questions.
2008 SCHOOL SUPPLY CAMPAIGN: RCC is collecting school supplies for needy families in Henrico County and they will be distributed through Interfaith Services of Henrico County. Supply donations may be dropped off in the church lobby until Thursday, August 14. A list of what is needed can be picked up at the Information Center.
VISION DAY: Every year after Labor Day we have our annual RCC Vision Day. This is always an exciting service because we get to hear about all the big plans for the rest of the year. Vision Day is Sunday, September 7 and Pastor Rick has much to share about new initiatives and other exciting plans.
GOD IS GREEN BAGS: If you have not yet picked up your RCC “God Is Green” reuseable shopping bags be sure to do so. They can be found in the silver cans in the back of the auditorium.
CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Christian Community will be on Sunday, September 7 at 6PM. If you would like to be baptized or dedicate your baby, please fill out a request form found on the Information Center and turn it in to one of the Pastors or the church office.
USED CELL PHONE COLLECTION: RCC is collecting used cell phones. Please donate your extra inactive cell phones that will be utilized for 911 purposes in the United States, redeployed nationwide and used in developing countries to improve quality of life through better communication. Collection boxes are located in the lobby and on the table in the back of the auditorium.
SUMMER VACATION MESSAGES: If you would like to receive Pastor Rick’s weekly messages while you are on vacation, we can mail them to you. Just fill out a request form found at the RCC store. You can also visit our Internet campus at and be a part of the service.
Steps to Growth:
3RD ANNUAL RCC MEN’S GOLF TOURNAMENT: The 3rd Annual RCC Men’s Golf Tournament will be held at Hunting Hawk Golf Course on Saturday, October 4 at 8AM. The cost is $70 per person and includes golf, practice balls and lunch after the tournament. Be sure to mark this date on your calendar. For additional information contact Mike Depersis at 727.9392.
WOMEN’S EXPO: The Women’s Expo will introduce the Women’s Ministry and its fall offerings on Wednesday, September 10 at 7PM in classroom 6 as the kick off to Bloom 2008-2009. All women are encouraged to come see what God has in store for us this season. Light refreshments will be served. Bring a friend!
Helping Hands
H.I.M. MINISTRY: The purpose of High Impact Meals (H.I.M.) is to reach out and serve others by offering meals and help during times of illness, bereavement, birth and other unique situations. If you would be willing to help or if you need any help please call Gloria Titus at 501.2316 or contact the Church office.
FEEDING THE HOMELESS: Volunteers are needed to prepare a dish and go to the Freedom House to serve on Wednesday, August 20. Please meet at the church at 5:30PM and we will drive over together. Sign up to participate on either date at the Information Center. For more information call Sandy Grady at 467.5734.
LAMB’S BASKET: Please give generously to help feed the needy in the Lakeside area. We are focusing our collection efforts on peanut butter and jelly, all types of cereals, diapers size 2 and up. Volunteers are also needed to help distribute food on Tuesday, August 5 from 9:30AM-1PM. Meet at Lamb’s Basket or if you need to coordinate transportation call Carla Harris at 360.5635. Sign up at the Information Center.
Youth/Student Impact:
STUDENT IMPACT: On Wednesday, August 20 the youth of Student Impact will go to Bogey's Sports Park for an evening of fun and games. Be sure to invite a friend to this fun event. Please sign up at the Information Center.
YOUTH “THE SLAM”: On Sundays throughout August at 6PM in the auditorium join us for “The Slam” where we worship, play games, hear a message and have small groups. Be sure to invite a friend to come with you to this new fun and exciting experience.
For more information about the Student Impact Ministry call Pastor Kevin (364.5000).
FAMILY OUTFITTERS: Our next Family Outfitters event is on Saturday, August 16. Promiseland families and Student Impact families will attend a Braves baseball game. We will leave the church at 6PM and go watch the Braves win! Be sure to sign up at Information Center and contact Pastor Alan or Pastor Kevin (364.5000) if you have any questions.
PROMISELAND PRESCHOOL: Now is the time to register for our 2008-2009 Preschool and Mom's Morning Out Program. Space is limited. Please contact Debbie Rose-Martin for a registration packet or for more information at 364.5000.